Franklin’s Emergency Preparedness Plan exists to protect the safety of all students and employees should a major emergency situation occur in the area. Our plan identifies members of the school’s emergency teams and outlines their responsibilities. It is updated annually in accordance with Glendale Unified School District’s policy, and staff are trained in emergency procedures annually and receive support from the Glendale Police and Fire Departments.
In accordance with state law, Franklin conducts emergency evacuation drills (fire, earthquake and lockdown) at least once a month to practice safe, orderly exits from the buildings. Teachers explain the drills in age-appropriate terms.
GUSD does not practice "active shooter" drills during lockdown drills.
Franklin Family Emergency Checklist
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
In any emergency, families will be alerted to the appropriate evacuation site by emergency phone call and/or text. Our standard procedure is for teachers, staff, and students to evacuate the building and go directly to their classroom line-up area on the playground. Students will put on their emergency ID release tags.
Teachers will take roll and report names of missing or injured students (if applicable) to the incident command center. School emergency teams (Search and Rescue, First Aid, Triage, etc.) will report to stations. District employees will remain with and supervise students until they are picked up.
In case of an emergency evacuation of Franklin School, Glendale Police and/or Fire will direct us to one of the following evacuation and meet-up sites, parents will be notified with details:
1) Small Griffith Park (corner of Sonora/Victory)
2) Griffith Park (off of Rancho Ave.)
3) Griffith Manor Park on Flower Street.
Student Release Procedures - Emergency Evacuation
The adult picking up student(s) must report to the Randall gate (or other designated pick-up area if it is off-campus) where school personnel will oversee the student release. The parent or designated adult must sign an Emergency Release Form before the student(s) will be released. In an emergency, it may not be possible to verify all emergency card information. The school principal or designee has the authority to dismiss student(s) to any adult if the following conditions are met: (a) The adult is listed on the Emergency ID Card. (b) The adult will sign the Emergency Release Form accepting responsibility for the student(s) and indicate where they are taking the child.